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Bulletin Thought - March 2016

A Thought from Pastor Bryson,

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness… (Eph. 4:1-2 NKJV)

This is an election year in which we will elect a new President of the United States. It has been a brutal election process thus far as the candidates are not holding back with the verbal sparring. Anyone of course who wants to occupy the highest office in the land has to be tough and bold. But regardless of who you are, what you are in pursuit of, or what position you may hold already, if you are a follower of Christ, the call to walk in lowliness and gentleness is a call not to be ignored.

Some may argue that it’s a tough world and if we want to make it, we can’t come across as being too humble or too soft. Yes, it is a tough world but as children of God we are not to be governed by the principles of the world, but by the principles of scripture. We are to emulate or seek to be like Jesus. Jesus was full of power, but He walked humbly in the midst of humanity.

Too many churches, families, and individuals in our communities are being held hostage by loud, overbearing, and thoughtless individuals who seek to have their way. Being loud, overbearing, or seeking to have one’s way is not the way of Christ. I’m of the opinion that individuals who exhibit those qualities are either wounded, insecure, or simply lacking knowledge of what the scripture says concerning our conduct.

As we celebrate the family this month, let each of us take time to do some self evaluation and ask ourselves the question – how am I contributing to helping the family being one of love and peace? Family of course applies to your biological family, church family, or whatever community you are a member of.

As children of God, let us seek to be more like Christ, after all, we are members of the same body, serving the same Lord. Whatever we do, let us seek to do it all to His glory. May the word see Him in us more and more as we make our journey through this life.

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