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PASTOR THOUGHTS - November 2021

November 2021 Pastor’s Thought

A Thought from Pastor Bryson,

Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

(Colossians 4:2 NKJV)

The verse above mentions two things that we as Christians are to devote ourselves to, prayer and thanksgiving.

Our prayers are not to be haphazard, but focused and done diligently, regularly. Lord knows, there is much to pray about. If we spend more time praying, we will have less time for grumbling. If we truly believe that God “hears” our prayers and that God is “all-powerful,” doesn’t it make sense that we petition Him regularly and with sincerity. We are to also recognize that God works in His own time and in His own way, but we are to engage in prayer for the many problems of life today.

We also recognize that praying doesn’t always involve asking God for something. Praying also involves being thankful for the many blessings that are ours to enjoy. Even in the midst of struggle God is giving blessings. Some may question a statement such as that. But think about it:

· Having someone (God) to pray to is a blessing

· Having strength during struggle is a blessing

· Being able to pray is a blessing

· Having a sound mind is a blessing

· Having hope is a blessing

The list could go on and on. The truth of the matter is – despite all the problems of life, there is much to be thankful for. Living a life of gratitude will impact the attitude we approach life with.

We would do well to live out an old song of the church:

I must tell Jesus all of my trials, I cannot bear these burdens alone;

In my distress He kindly will help me, He ever loves and cares for His own…

Thank you, Lord, for being a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God.


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